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How to have your own Website for free?
Yes you read it right. With todays kind of technology advances, well it is now unusual for all businesses to not own one. Because there are a lot of Website Builders Company that offers free website. You won’t believe it because even if you don’t have knowledge in programming, you can have one. Yes, you read it correct. With limited features and with drag and drop features. You could be able to setup your own websites in minutes.
Importance of Websites
First let’s discuss why it is important to have your own website. My number one opinion is it build up trust to our customers. We can make it similar with the example of establish store and a street vendor.
Why people don’t worry about spending more in an establish business stores? Where in it is more cheaper and cost friendly if we buy in street. Yes you got that right. Because they are currently registered with complete documents. If I were the customer I will always think that this is safe, worthy and can guarantee my satisfaction. So whatever the amount is. I don’t mind it because I know that they are legitimate. And there are a lot of people uses, buys, and gave testimonial that they are good. Unlike with street vendor though they are also safe and can delivers the same quality. I still have to question or have doubt to buy or get their services.
It is the same in having your own website. People will think that you are more legit and will trust you more. Because, they can see your website it’s one way proof that you are like registered and safe to have your services. Customers will first know your brand and they will look for what have you done. Browse for some reviews, comments and testimonials to make sure everything.
Now that you understand the importance of having a website. Here’s my Top Three free Website Builder you can visit.
This is in my number one list because about 10 years ago I already tried and tested this website. It is user friendly and compare with others they have more feature free to use. They have complete guide and documentation that you can check if ever you get stuck.
This is in my number two spot because during my training in social media marketing. This is the tool that we used to build our own website for those without experience and first timers. Similar with Wix but more less feature and good enough to build a simple website.
3. Godaddy Website
My third on spot in although I haven’t tested them out. But in this website is where I bought my domains so I know that this website is okay to use. And if ever you wanted to own your website it is more cheaper to buy than those two above.
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