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How to Track your Website Conversions and Goals?
Have you ever think about the data track of your website?. How many converts and goals your website been able to reach? I guess you already think about it because you’re here now in my blog reading my article. So my friend you won’t regret it because you are in the right website. Let’s get started. Yes you have your own website. Congrats but So what? I’m sorry I need to be honest. If your website is up and running but not converting. And you are not tracking if it is converting or reaching your goals then you are only wasting your time and money. I’m pretty sure you’re here because you don’t know it yet. Worry no more my friend I will help you.
Define your Goals
First you need to know what you wanted to achieve and your goals. For example you want to have a lot of Get Quotation customers. Then make sure you have this kind of form for customer to reach you out. Second, you want to have more customer contact. Most important you need to make sure together with get quote you also have this in every pages. These are fundamental things in your website because it affects the user experience. Like you don’t want your customer to waste their time looking for call to action button. Aside from that telephone clicks and email clicks are one of conversions in your website. Finally, need to make sure that they are working and in hyperlinks.
Track your Goals and Conversion
Now that you know what goals and conversions you need to have. Let’s go and track them all. Those goals that I’ve mentioned are only few that you need in your website. By using this methods you can actually know even how many minutes your leads called you. As a result we know how many leads bounce in your website this will give you insights to know what needs to be improve.
Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager
They call it Universal Analytics but soon it will migrate to Google Analytics 4 or GA4 next year. This is the general way to track your visitors, pages view, new users, number of clicks and so on. Here you can setup the goals you need for the websites. Also it is important to have GTM setup to your website to support you Google Analytics goals. It will help you setup triggers that will determined exact data of the users experience in your site. It will also record the session of the user during their time in your site.
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