
Website Development: Database Management


I am a professional Software developer/Web Developer/Database Developer. I am highly skilled with HTML5, CSS3, Jquery and Javascript, Angularjs for Front End Development and PHP (Custom, Code Igniter) Back End Development. I am specialized in database design using mysql. I have an experience of database design and websites integrated database development. I also have worked on WordPress eCommerce solutions using WooCommerce and have been using Yoast SEO. I have over 6 years of experience with each of these technologies, and I am eager to learn even more technologies to sharpen my skill set. In addition to web technologies, I do have a passion for mobile technologies as well. I’ve worked on a few mobile side projects using the ionic framework.

The Services i will provide includes:

  • Database Management System
  • Design will be Responsive and User Friendly

For Database design i will Use:

  • SQL Database
  • MYSQL Database

The Programming Language I Will Use:

  • PHP Core
  • PHP Codegniter

Why to hire me?

  • On-time Delivery
  • My First Priority is Client’s Satisfaction
  • Regular Updates on Live Server i always Provide to my clients


How can a DBMS helps your business

As you can notice this post is for you to ease your work in term of your Website. It is because a database management system website can definitely save your time and money. It will help you get more leads then later become your real customer. 
In an online marketing presence it is the website dbms is the important part. That’s why you need the system to correct so that you can know more about. And using DBMS Website it is one of the way to get your leads and become conversion. There are a lot of things happens that customer are tend to exit the website because of the poor quality. I will discuss why having this kind of website is important not only for your business but also for audience.
In my blog post, I will provide you the more details about dbms and it’s benefits.

What is DBMS

Always remember that your website is the asset of your business. It is usually one of the first things people to get as you grow your business and nurture more se. Once you see that your business is growing be ready. It will definitely going to succeed your business.
If you’re planning to have it now. We can definitely help you achieve your dream website.

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